The secret of hypnosis revealed; How four minutes of meditation can make You lose weight
Hi. I'm Elighton and welcome to this secret of using few minutes to relax, recycle your aura and transform yourself. Have Four Minutes for Meditation. It is magical, Today we're talking about meditation for weight loss. [Music] When it comes to junk we put in our bodies, we often think of junk food. But I would like to offer that we also have junk thoughts and junk speech that get in the way of us reaching our weight loss goals or our healthy living goals in general. So I'm going to give you a simple meditation, a little bit of a mantra type meditation that's going to help you focus for your entire day and hopefully keep you away from foods that aren't so good for you. Let's get started. Go ahead and sit with your legs crossed or one foot in front of the other, whatever is comfortable for you. Today I want your hands upturned on your knees because we're going to be doing a simple exercise where we meet our first finger, then our middle, our ring ...