Reveled 10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To kick Start Their Brain.

Hello, Elighton again bring to your very eyes the reveled 10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To kick Start Their Brain. Just release and read. You can sleep and start again .. no issues. I'm here as always to help you to learn quickly. One of the questions in the I received often is, Elighton, what do you do every single morning to jump-start your brain for greater success, greater levels of focus, greater levels of productivity? So, I'm going to walk you through my morning routine. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is I have a process to remember my dreams. Now, you're like, Elighton, why do you want to remember your dreams? The reason why is, often, as you spend your day learning and working to solve problems, solve problems in your work, in your life, and everything else, when you sleep, your mind doesn't stop. Your unconscious mind is still working on those problems. And you come up with incredible insights and solution. The ...