Instead of starving yourself,
counting calories, and feeling miserable, how would life be different if you were
actually attracted to healthy foods? And even found yourself genuinely satisfied
with smaller portions? And imagine being completely
free of food cravings? What if instead of eating food emotionally, or compulsively,
you were just completely relaxed and calm around foods that used to drive you
insane with temptation!
Hypnosis for weight loss enables you to separate food
and eating from your emotions. You're about to discover how hypnosis works to
develop brand new habits and behaviors that completely change your relationship
with food and eating. Hi, my name is Elighton, and I'm a professional hypnotist coming
up on almost two decades of experience helping people just like you reach their
health and weight loss goals. Health and fitness are important to me,
and I believe that adds integrity to the principles and the strategies that I'll be sharing with you. I know this sounds crazy, but I'm sure you may have seen
some so-called weight loss experts that are personally carrying around an extra20 to 50 pounds of body fat on their own frame! Whoever you decide to work with
for this issue please doesn't get your coaching from someone who's over weight
and out of shape! At the very least, identify someone who is already getting
the results you want to get for yourself.
I've developed a systematic approach
called the Total Immersion Hypnosis for Weight Loss Program. By reprogramming
your mind at the unconscious level to model the behaviors and mindset of
people who are already naturally healthy and slim, you can develop the habits and
behaviors that inevitably lead you to achieve and maintain your ideal weight.
But understand this is not for everybody! Just to be clear, if you believe I've got magic and I'm going to somehow hypnotically boink you on the head and
fix everything with no effort on your part, then you're sadly mistaken.
For you to be successful losing weight, you do need to take ownership of how you got to where you are in the first place.Also, recognize that you will need to make
some significant lifestyle changes. If that doesn't sound reasonable to you,
then let me save you some time. Just go ahead and close up this page, and
search around on Google for something else. Are you still with me? OK, let's get to the good stuff!
Who can benefit from weight loss through hypnosis?
This program is for you if you have trouble sticking with a healthy lifestyle
because you just can't seem to work through some negative habits.
You already know there are things you could be doing ... Eating healthy energizing foods.
Moving more, and enjoying healthy exercise and eliminating highly processed and
addictive foods, like sugar. But knowing what to do, and actually doing it, that is
the challenge! It's like a part of you wants to lose weight and get healthy, and
another part of you feels like you'd be depriving yourself if you didn't get to
eat whatever you want. Sound about right?
This process starts with you.We will work together to customize a program that addresses each
of the areas where you specifically need help, and we're going to make sure that
everything about this is fun and enjoyable to do, Because if it's not enjoyable, it won't last in the long run.
Your unconscious mind is basically like the software that runs your physical body.
We utilize hypnotic techniques to reprogram the way that you subconsciously manage
your emotions and interact with food. You'll develop mindful eating habits,
speed up your metabolism, and eliminate self-defeating behaviors and beliefs.
Let's review some of the common weight loss issues, and how we use hypnosis techniques to resolve them.
First up is hypnosis for cravings.
Some people experience cravings for particular foods like sugar, sodas, bread,
carbs, or even Starbucks Frappuccinos! These high glycolic foods create insulin
spikes which trigger the body's mechanisms for fat storage.
You might have heard the old saying, “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips!” If food cravings have been an issue for you, then rejoice! I'm going to arm you
with a variety of “Craving Buster” tools that literally stop cravings in their
tracks. These anti-craving techniques are so effective; they will work even if you
have no desire to give up that particular food you've been craving.
And these techniques can be used anytime and anywhere. Other people won't even know
that you're using themHere's the truth about cravings. A craving is simply a
habit. It's a learned behavior. When your brain is triggered to fire off that
anxious or compulsive feeling, I'm going to show you how to put up a roadblock that
interrupts that craving pattern, deflating the emotional energy behind it.
So, you'll be able to switch off that craving anytime you choose.
Every time you interrupt the craving pattern, it creates new neural pathways in the
brain that allow you to just be relaxed and calm around foods that used to make
you feel out of control. Just imagine being neutral about that food that used
to drive you crazy.Imagine like you could take it or leave it, because
that food no longer has any emotional control over you.
Next up is hypnosis for
emotional eating. Emotional eating is when you've developed a habit of eating
in response to stressful thoughts or situations. It's eating for reasons that
have nothing to do with physical hunger. Like just being bored, lonely, anxious
or tired, over time, it becomes easy to develop a habituated pattern of
confusing emotional hunger with physical hunger. Then we end up using food as a distraction. Of course, eating comfort food doesn't resolve negative emotions.
Compulsive eating just acts like a temporary band-aid that takes your mind off of miserable thoughts that are just spiraling out of control.
It's a vicious cycle when nothing gets done to resolve the emotional signals your
body's sending.
Meanwhile, you just get fatter and fatter. In this case,
being overweight is the symptom, and overpowering negative emotions are the cause.
Instead of asking, what should I eat? You might be better off
asking what I am feeling that's causing me to eat impulsively Hypnosis helps you
to release those underlying emotions that are causing you to reach
for those comforting foods. If you've been feeling depressed, anxious, or lonely,
I'll show you how to deflate those habituated emotional patterns so that
they no longer feel out of control. And when you take control of the factors
that are causing you stress, food loses its luster as a distraction.
When you're feeling strong, capable, and confident, the need for emotional eating
just dissolves and disappears.
Finally we have hypnosis for healthy
eating, and exercise motivation. Because once we've got the cravings and the
emotional triggers handled, the next phase of the Total Immersion Hypnosis
for Weight Loss program utilizes hypnotic techniques for
behavior modification. That could mean motivation to exercise in ways that are
fun and energizing. Enjoying the diversity of nutrient-dense foods that
empower you with optimum health and responding to your body's natural
signals to stop eating when your physical hunger has been satisfied.
Everyone's different, so we'll address the problem areas that have been
personally challenging for you.Because everything is customized to your
personal situation and feedback, we're able to work together to make rapid
progress on your weight loss goals. It's not complicated, nor does it have to be a struggle.
Your current emotional habits and beliefs have been working against you,
so we're simply using proven strategies to develop new habits and
behaviors that serve you better now and into the future.
Sound good?
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Disclaimer; ; my content is based
on the research and may not represent the opinion of some medical Practitioner,
it is for inspirational purpose.
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