Welcome to this article about
walking for weight loss, the benefits, the things you can do to increase
the calories you've been burning and basically everything to do with weight
loss and some of the side effects that are good side effects for once.
Walking for weight loss My name is Elighton, I'm here to help you live a better, healthier life.
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Without further ado, let's talk about Walking for weight loss, in various articles, I mentioned that walking is
my preferred option, but I don't think I've actually got
into why it's my preferred option for fitness and losing weight.
So I thought I'd mention a few
of the things in this article that draw me to doing the walking.
And that's not just me taking the chicken's way out because I can't go
running, but there are some definite benefits from it.
So in no particular order, for me,
the simple fact is that it burns calories.
It is a form of exercise.
It is simple to do.
It doesn't need any equipment and maybe a rain coat.
But it is very simple to do.
And it is one of those things that you
as you improve and as you're walking warming by improving, get faster,
start going up more hills and all the rest of it, you will start burning more
calories so it can be as easy or as difficult as you want.
It could be a five minute walk around
a flat path or it could be a couple of hours walk up and down hills.
So it really is up to you how difficult you make it.
And obviously, if you're starting from the couch, then,
you know, start walking, stop building up the time before you start
building up the heat and kind of incline you going up and everything else.
So it's one of those things that for you
and for me, it's really good because you can judge it.
If you're tired one morning, you can walk a little bit slower or you
can walk a little bit less distance if you know you're in a good place that morning.
Hey, it's great to get a little bit distance on or pick up the pace.
And, you know, eventually, like, I found, you'll start doing
a greater distance in the same time as you used to do next to nothing.
So, when I first started this walk, according to Fitbit calculator i covered a,
about three, and a bit kilometers per hour.
So my morning walks now, which are about six and a half kilometers,
it would have taken me two and b some hours to do.
They now take me an hour.
I set an hour.
So I'm not saying that it happened overnight.
I'm not saying that it is an easy thing.
It's took me quite a long time to do that.
But I just picking up the pace when I can by just going a little bit faster, it actually becomes a really good way to burn calories. I know that Fitbit snuffle watches
are not the most reliable.
You can't rely on them for being accurate with your calories and how many burns.
But I am burning somewhere between twelve
hundred and eighteen hundred calories, you know, every morning, without fail for doing, between five and about seven kilometers,
depending on how much time I've got while I'm in the mood for etc..
So it's a really great way of actually getting a decent workout at your own pace
and then slowly increases it so it burns calories.
That's the first one.
The second one for anybody like me who is
obese, you know, running and that kind of high impact
activities, are not very good on joints.
You know, knees hurt after a while, ankles hurt after a while.
And without going into too much detail, you're bouncing around all over the place.
So unless you're strapped into a shirt
and then it is not good in so many different ways.
So the fact is that walking for weight loss means that there is very little impact, very little impact.
It's just walking.
And it is one of those things where I'm not having this extra pressure of going up
and down hills on my knees, my ankles and everything else.
So it reduces the time I have out due to injury.
It reduces the risk of hurting yourself
and putting yourself on the couch and comfy eating till the cows come home.
So it's really low impact.
Another thing that is really good about
walking for weight loss is actually the psychological impact of it.
If you're getting up to go and do a walk before you start your day or work or
whatever else, you know, it actually gives you a really
good feeling that you are actually achieving something,
particularly when under those guidelines, when you look at your device of some
description or your phone and it says you put X number of hundred calories, it brings a smile to your face because you've enjoyed it.
You've walked around. You might have spoken some day,
you might be walking with friends, with dogs, whatever it is.
But there is that psychological impact
that you're starting the day off in the right way.
And I don't know about anybody else. But for me,
that is really good for setting you up in the right day before work or the weekend.
It's really good for getting in the right frame of mind that I'm doing well.
I'm already off to a good start.
It's great now, I know this next one is not so
applicable to me at the moment, but I always found that if I tried to go
for a jog or run more of a jog than a run, but if I tried to go for one of those, I would be suffering from a little bit of fatigue when it came to going to the gym.
So whether you're using some weights at home, whether you going to the gym,
whether you just need some sort of high intensity and intensity
intensive training, kind of speak properly, take intensive training.
You know, I found I put more effort into those things.If I hadn't been trying to run, going for slightly longer walk,
burning those calories left me in a position that I could do those higher
intensity activities, be lifting weights,
be it whatever it was, conditioning. Those things take a lot out of it,
particularly if you're bigger or if you're not very fit.
So walking first, burning those calories, then doing those activities was a great way to actually do it.
So as you can tell, I am a huge believer in walking for weight loss.
There are quite a few medical studies out there in terms of, you know,
how it helps your digestion and it helps, you know lots of other things.
And for me, it's one of those things where
getting that 10,000 steps or more in a day, it makes you feel good.
You burn the calories, which is obviously key to weight loss and it's also free.
It doesn't cost you anything, so it doesn't cost your gym membership.
There is no excuse for anybody not to be able to walk for weight loss.
Now, like I said, whether us getting off
the couch and walking around the garden, whether it's going on a 10 mile hike,
you know, with a rucksack into the hills, and I'm not there yet,
but it is one of those things that whatever you are doing.
You can fit walking in and you can try
and walk more than you did before or walk slightly faster than you did before,
which then in turn burns more calories, which helps you lose weight.
So it's a great thing to do both mind and body.
It's low impact.
It burns calories.
It gets you into the right place
for the morning. Walking for weight loss is a win all the way round.
My suggestion for you, though, is start small,
build up the distance.
And when you're a comfortable distance,
start speeding up just a little bit of time.
Now, of course, it's up to you.
One of the tricks I did for, you know, getting the pace of my walking going
was either listening to some music with a faster beat or trying to keep to that beat without breaking stride.
The other thing I did wish was for the long walks, I used to just put an audio book, just get lost in an audio book.
Your feet will eat up the kilometers in the miles before you
realize that because you're literally just listening to a story.
Okay, so be mindful.
Please be mindful that if you got a earphones in any crossing streets
and all that kind of stuff, you know, be careful.
But it is one of those things they like me.
You've got the ability to go into a country park or somewhere where
there isn't cars and danger of being run over, you know, some music.
I'll listen to an audio book.
Be safe, but it will help you keep a pace.Thanks for reading
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