Hi today i will be writing about an affirmations for health and weight loss  that works. Read to these health and weight loss affirmations every morning for 21 days in a row. Doing so will ingrain these powerful statements and help you commit to your health and ideal weight goals. As you hear each affirmation, visualize yourself truly living and embracing the statement. The more emotion and enthusiasm you put into embodying these affirmations, the more you’ll get out of them. Let’s begin


My health and well-being are my number one priority. Taking care of my body is a joy, not a burden. Losing weight is an act of self-love. I love my body no matter what. I deserve healthy nutritious food. I make healthy food choices. My relationship with food gets better every day. I love feeling light and lively. I see myself being healthy and fit. I see myself looking good in my clothes. I see myself feeling good in my clothes. I respect and care for my body. Healthy living is a long-term habit. Healthy living is my way of life. I make smart nutrition choices every day. I love my healthy lifestyle. I am fully committed to feeling better. I am committed to releasing what does not serve me. I love myself and my body. I love the healthy choices I make. I choose to lose weight easily. I choose to make this lifestyle enjoyable. I infuse my body with nutritious food. I enjoy physical activity. I find fun ways to move throughout my day. I love to nurture my body. I deserve a healthy body. I deserve to feel better. I am ready for a new chapter in my life. I am eager to feel the benefits of good health. A better life awaits me and I am quickly moving toward it. I love life and want to fully experience it. I have a great attitude about health and well-being. I take action to make my weight goals a reality. I see myself at my ideal weight. My clear vision of optimum health pulls me toward it. I take consistent baby steps to improve my health. I feel more confident in social situations. The benefits of good health far outweigh any of the struggles. I am dedicated to reaching my ideal weight. I am dedicated to feeling better about my body. I am worthy of good health. I am worthy of the nutritious food I put into my body. I am worthy period. I am motivated to move my body. I find ways to make physical activity fun. I enjoy breathing deeply and filling my lungs with air. I drink plenty of water and stay hydrated every day. I am excited about this stage of my life. I am healthy and whole. Great job. 

Again, to get the most out of these affirmations, listen to this recording every morning for21 days in a row. After that you can return to it whenever you need a reminder to make your health and weightloss a priority. Thanks for listening .Have an awesome day.

Thanks reading Elighton

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Disclaimer;  ; my content is based on the research and may not represent the opinion of some medical Practitioner, it is for inspirational purpose.



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